Ford Escort RS Turbo Exhaust Replacement

By Walton Motorsport  •   1 minute read

Ford Escort RS Turbo Exhaust Replacement

This week we had the pleasure of working on a freshly rebuilt/restored Mk4 Ford Escort RS Turbo, Now when the car was rebuilt it was refitted with its pre restoration aftermarket exhaust system, Kat, the owner wanted us to replace the system to bring it back up to the standard that the rest of the car now is.

Once we had the Escort up in the air, we found that the system already on the car was actually made quite well. It had just been scraping along the floor a few too many times. Upon investigation we discovered that the the factory exhaust mounts were not really up the job of a larger diameter than stock exhaust, which is also heavier. We decided with permission from Kat to add two extra mounting points to stabilize the system and eradicate the previous problems of this older system. The end result is a very rigid system that does not increase any vibrations or knocking into the cabin of the car. We also managed to tuck the system further up into the bodywork of car, again to gain extra ground clearance. There's a few other little tricks used on the system which you can see in the video.

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